We are almost through February and that means we are getting closer to March which can bring spring rain! In addition to the changing seasons, we also have the luck of the Irish heading our way! With all of this fun happening, it’s a great time to do simple spring crafts with kids.
1: What’s the Weather Doing?
One of the big mysteries of March is how will it come in? Will it come in like a lion? Will it come in like a lamb? This age old saying is something that you can tie into any science activity about weather. You can also pair this super fun craft with the book In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb which has a fun picture book companion that comes with sequencing, writing, comprehension activities, and more!
This simple spring craft activity for kids has few pieces but is great for versatility. Because you put the lion on one side and the lamb on the other, students can flip their puppet every day to match the weather. To add some science, have students chart or graph what days are like a lion and which days are like a lamb. At the end, they can do some math and figure out percentages.
2: A Spring Craft with Gold at the End
If you are looking for something you can do quick with what you probably already have in your classroom, then these rainbow twirlers are the spring craft for you! With a simple paper plate, paint, some scissors, and a bit of construction paper, your students can create a beautiful rainbow twirl. To combine this with reading, talk about what symbols and what is something that is a prize. Then, instead of putting gold in the bottom of the pot, have students put what they are striving for. This can be a visual representation of a goal.
3: A Spring Craft for a Rainy Day
Another great way to teach weather is with this Stormy Weather craft. With this activity, you can talk about the water process or how thunder is formed. From there, you can have students do some research on other types of weather. However, you should have them make this super simple spring craft first. You need very few materials and your students will get to do some paint mixing too!
4: Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head
To keep the theme of weather alive, you can make a simple paper plate umbrella with raindrops falling along with it. This simple spring craft activity for kid would be so much fun to hang from your classroom ceiling. You can mix up this craft by changing what’s falling too. There’s a song called “If All the Raindrops” that has so many different things falling from the sky. Combine this project with music class and let students use their imagination to see what’s falling from the sky. You can also play a clip from “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” to add some fun!
5: A Colorful Spring Craft!
What does all of this bad weather bring? A bit of color in the form of a rainbow. These paperchain rainbows would be the perfect partner to go with your umbrellas hanging around the room! With this project, you can talk about the color spectrum, how rainbows are formed, and more! this craft is easy to do with some simple instruction paper and is great for a lesson in following directions.
6: Grow a Kandinsky Tree for a Spring Craft
These super simple and fun trees aren’t really specific to this time of year. However, they are beautiful and can really help with fine motor skills. In addition, making Kandinsky trees can give your students a chance to experiment with paint colors and see how they blend. Plus, you get to do some stamping work.
7: Sunshine and Rainbows!
Alright, so it’s possible that I really enjoy a good rainbow spring craft for kids, but who doesn’t? This is a simple paper plate activity that is inexpensive and not too hard to do. Students can let their creativity show by giving the sun a face. Plus, you can use the science rainbow activities that were discussed previously. However with this one, you can also talk about how light and a prism work together to make magic happen.
8: Spring is in the Air
One of the best parts of March is the cold blowing away and spring showers coming out to play! You can celebrate spring with this directed draw and color or paint! Have your students draw a self-portrait and add a rainy day with an umbrella to it. This is a great activity to use in place of name plates on desks or tables. You can also hang these above students’ cubbies or lockers for their things. By doing this, your classroom will have great flow and amazing decorations that are all unique. I know my students have always loved this project.
9: A Little Luck!
St. Patrick’s Day is filled with fun stories for students to enjoy and plenty of traditions as well. In order to help your students jump into this fun holiday, check out this simple drawing tutorial. With this activity, you can incorporate some STEM with reading! All you need is this activity and your spring craft, reading, and STEM ideas can all come together.
10: A Green Spring Craft for Luck
St. Patrick’s Day has many symbols. One of the most popular ones is the shamrock or the four-leaf clover. This simple spring activity for kids allows your students to get in touch with their creative side by making a mosaic green shamrock. With the help of heavy cardstock or poster board, a variety of green squares from craps (printed and plain encouraged, scissors, and some glue, you can have a beautiful piece of work to hang wherever you need some luck!
Spring time is always so refreshing after the cold winter months. However, the rain and sometimes snow can still keep you and your students inside. These fun spring crafts for kids can be great for occupying them on rainy days or as a supplement to your curriculum!
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