activities which helped the kids to come up with an inquiry question.
questions in the class, I wanted to give each child the chance to do their own research. I started out with a few group lessons of reading a few books online with the class using the projector and the app EPIC. It’s a great app, if you don’t already have it. The books on it
are great and it’s free.
and the website kiddle.co which is a kids version of google. The students wrote down some notes. After a week, I realized that kids were not actually taking very good notes. They
were copying down a lot of words from websites, but they didn’t understand what they meant, or even if it was related to their inquiry question. So I realized I needed another strategy.
work at 2 jobs or more. They are very busy and don’t have a lot of time to spend with their kids. Most of the parents are also immigrants and don’t always understand the school’s expectations. So I knew that only a few kids might get this done with their parents, but I decided to give it a try anyway.

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