Friday, November 11, is Remembrance Day here in Canada. Like Vetran's Day, in the United States, it is a day to remember those who have fought for their country. Poppies are the symbol of remembrance for many countries. In our class we made two art projects this week. Both of these ideas came from Gail, at That Artist Woman. She is a Canadian, and an Art Teacher in a primary school. Her work is fabulous. She's so creative. Click here to hop on over and check out her blog. During ... Read More about In Remembrance…
A Great Lesson About Bullying
I stumbled upon this great story on bullying and I want to share it with all of you teachers out there. A teacher was teaching her class about bullying and gave them the following exercise to perform. She had the children take a piece of paper and told them to crumple it up, stomp on it and really mess it up but to not rip it. Then she had them unfold the paper, smooth it out and look at how wrinkled and dirty it was. She then told them to tell it they’re sorry. Even though they said they were sorry and tried to fix the paper, ... Read More about A Great Lesson About Bullying
Wild Things!!!
I'm sure you all know the story Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. It was always one of my favourite stories as a child. Remember I told you that I work in an amazing school? Well yesterday, I walked out of my classroom to find this amazing bulletin board. It was put together by my colleague Tina Tome and her Grade One class. After reading the story, Tina decided to use it as a starting point for some descriptive writing. She had these great foam monster stickers and she gave each ... Read More about Wild Things!!!
A Simple Halloween Freebie!!!!
Do you think that studying grammar is important in early literacy??? I think it definitely has a place. For my own grade two class, which is highly ESL, I find that these kinds of exercises are really good for them. They are old enough, and have 2 years of English schooling, in order to understand the grammar concepts. It’s really good to sit down and analyze the grammar skills at this level, as they don’t get very much modelling of proper English grammar at home. Also, for native English speakers, grammar ... Read More about A Simple Halloween Freebie!!!!
Haunted Silhouettes
I happen to work in a fabulous school. I feel very lucky to not only have a fantastic group of kids to work with, but also a phenomenal staff to work with. I work in a wing that has four classrooms and this year we have two grade one classes and two grade two classes. The four teachers all work together fantastically. I was walking down the hallway a few days ago, and came upon this... The whole board was so visually stunning with the blues and blacks popping off the paper. ... Read More about Haunted Silhouettes
My First Product
Well I've gotten myself organized and I'm posting my first download. I'm using Teachers Pay Teachers. Click on the photo above or click here for the link This little download has 4 mini books about falling leaves and signs of fall. It's perfect for your 4 levels of guided reading in a grade 1 class. The skills and objectives range from fine motor and tracing, to comprehension and higher level thinking skills. I hope you enjoy this little "puppy". Please, please, please leave me a comment and tell me what you think. I've been busy ... Read More about My First Product