Hundreds charts are a great way to help students with mental math. However, just doing a worksheet with hundreds charts can seem a lot like homework that isn’t as much fun to do. That’s why I like to use a hundreds chart game. I have three great games that are easy to use in your classroom in a variety of ways! Why Teach Hundreds Charts? Mental math is one of the most valuable tools students can have. One way to do this is to have a great understanding of number sense and of course the hundreds chart. Having strong mental math ... Read More about 3 Easy Hundreds Chart Games
How to Add Details to Stories to Make Them Pop!
When you start writing a story, it’s easy to start with a simple story that focuses on having a beginning, middle, and end by following the “Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then” writing process. Once students have this process down, they can start adding more details which is what this blog is all about: how to add details to stories to make them more interesting. Starting with the Basics In the previous blog about how to write a story with the “Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then” writing method, we talked about Lisa moving to a ... Read More about How to Add Details to Stories to Make Them Pop!
Simple Tips for Teaching with a Hundreds Chart
Counting to 100 or even 120 can be quite the task! When you get to this phase of math in your kindergarten and first grade classroom, it can be overwhelming for students. However, teaching with a hundreds chart can help your students see patterns in numbers. Why Use a Hundreds Chart Teaching with a hundreds chart is a great way to get students to think about the base ten number system because it is a visual aid. Hundreds charts make it easier for students to see patterns in the numbers they are working with. This allows students to ... Read More about Simple Tips for Teaching with a Hundreds Chart
Creating Stories with a Simple Writing Process Activity
Writing can be a tricky process for students. That’s why I like to use a systematic approach to writing with my students by using the “Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then” writing process. This writing process activity is great to help students develop a story that has a beginning, middle, and an end. In addition, it will help students plan and review their work as well as give them an opportunity to illustrate their work! Starting Your Writing Process Activity To begin any story, you have to have a protagonist or a main character. For this ... Read More about Creating Stories with a Simple Writing Process Activity
4 Easy Number Sense Games to Increase Learning
Number sense can be a difficult concept to teach students. Plus, it can become redundant and a little bit boring. However, if you use number sense games, your students will start to have a lot of fun while they learn! Number sense games are simple and can be done using things you have in your classroom already or can easily purchase at a dollar store. What is Number Sense? Number sense is a student’s ability to make connections between numbers quickly. This means they can visualize and talk about what they know about numbers, take ... Read More about 4 Easy Number Sense Games to Increase Learning
Easily Explain Number Sense to Parents and Promote Math!
As a teacher, I am constantly communicating what we are doing in my classroom to my parents. I do this in emails, letters home, at conferences, or in the newsletter. One content area my parents always struggle to understand is the concept of number sense. That’s why I have found a way to explain number sense to parents in a way that makes them see the importance. What is Number Sense? Number Sense is a student's ability to make connections between numbers quickly. What does this mean? It means students can visualize and talk ... Read More about Easily Explain Number Sense to Parents and Promote Math!
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