As teachers, we are always looking for ways to make math more fun! I have found a simple deck of cards can be the answer. Wait, what? Yes! Teaching math with playing cards has several benefits for students. This week’s YouTube video goes into more detail about this, CLICK HERE or click on the picture below.
1: Build Number Confidence
Many students find math scary and freeze up when they are given a math task. Playing card games over and over, students get more comfortable with numbers because they get more exposure. Because they are playing a game, it seems non-threatening because there isn’t a “grade” attached to it.
2: Teaching Math with Playing Cards Encourages Fluency
Worksheets can get old fast! Plus, research has shown it’s not always an effective way to assess students. Allowing students to practice math skills with playing cards is a fun and simple way to get extra practice.
3: Playing Cards Improve Memory
Whole group instruction, small group instruction, and independent practice can all be helpful. However, having students play a game with cards can improve their memory because they will now associate an experience with the game. Teaching math with playing cards also puts a physical object in their hand which helps students who need manipulatives to understand better.
4: Teaching Math with Playing Cards Help Develop Quick Thinking Skills
When you are playing a game, there is usually not a lot of time to make your next move. This can be because of the rules of the game. It can also be because your friends will get a little impatient. Teaching math with playing cards encourages students to develop quick thinking skills which will help them in their “regular” math practices.
5: Cards Encourage Number Talk
Playing a game is a social experience. This means teaching math with playing cards encourages students to talk about numbers. It always encourages students to collaborate and help each other grow their math skills.
6: Playing Cards Teaches New Strategies
Sometimes when students are learning a math skill, they need other strategies to fully get it. Students can learn by watching their opponent play a different way than they do. This increases a student’s understanding of not only the game, but also the strategies that can be used to win.
7: Teaching Math with Playing Cards Encourages Risk-Taking
Math is threatening which is why many students will ask you about every single question. When students are playing a game, they have to take the risk that they might be wrong. Not only does this encourage risk taking, it takes away the fear of failure.
8: It’s Fun!
What more is there to say? It’s fun to play cards and be with your friends. Creating a positive experience for your students and teaching math with playing cards does just that!
These are all great REASONS to teach math with playing cards, but what game can you play? Here is a simple game you can teach your kindergarten and first graders that is simple and introduces “making 10” in a non-threatening way.
What do you need?
All you need to play this game is a deck of cards for each student that have the jokers and face cards taken out. You will also want to post a set of rules that states an Ace is 1.
What are the rules?
Students turn over 10 cards in two rows of five. Then, using only two cards or one card, students are going to make 10. If you can make 10 with 2 cards, you take them out as well as any cards with 10. (If you decide to leave the face cards in, they can be equal to 10).
Next, add cards to the empty slots to make sure you have 10 cards on the table and repeat the process. Once all the cards are gone, the student “wins.” If you are using a real deck of cards, then they will always “win.” For more math games with cards, check out this resource!
I love using cards games in my classroom all the time. Teaching math with playing cards is an easy, low-prep way to help students get extra math practice and build their math skills. If you need more fun math card games to play or are looking for more, check out Savvy Teaching Tips!