One, two, three eyes on me! How many of you have heard or used this phrase in your classroom? Attention getters for teachers is one of the most important tools you can have in your teacher arsenal. After all, it’s really hard to teach kiddos who are too busy talking to his/her friend or off in his/her own world. That’s where these six attention getters for teachers come in handy.

1: Everybody Clap Your Hands!
One sure fire way to get students attention is to clap your hands. There are a few different ways to do this. One way is to say “Clap once if you can hear me. (Clap) Clap twice if you can hear me (Clap, Clap).” You can continue with this until all of your students are clapping together.
Another way to use the clapping method is to clap out a certain rhythm and have your students finish or repeat it. This is not only a great attention getter for teachers, it works on teachers and other adults as well. So, keep this idea around for when you have to run your next PD.
2: Get Attention with the Flick of a Switch
If your students are being too noisy, attention getters for teachers that need to be louder than them are not going to work. That’s why using the light switch to get your students attention can be incredibly effective. All you need to do is turn the lights off and on once or twice. This always grabs students attention because it pulls their focus to whoever is by the lightswitch.
3: Chime in Attention!
There are several different types of chimes you can use. One chime you can use as an attention getter is a yoga chime. This is a handheld chime you can keep in or on your desk. When you need to get your students attention, you can play a little rhythm or just tap it a few times. Because it is a chime, it is a bit more soothing than clapping your hands which can be disruptive to those who are very focused.
4: Decorate with Chimes
Another attention getter for teachers that helps students chime in is a wind chime. You can find little metal wind chimes at the dollar store along with all of your prizes and math manipulatives! Hang the wind chimes up high enough your students can’t reach them but you can simply run your fingers through them. This is also a gentle way to get your students’ attention without making loud noises. If you have students in your classroom who are sensitive to noise, this can be a great option.
5: Ding Dong. Who’s There? Attention Getters for Teachers
Attention getters for teachers can be something a bit more high tech. All you need is a battery operated doorbell and you’ll have the perfect attention getter! When your students need to focus, all you need to do is hit a button and they will know it’s time to move their attention to the front of the room or wherever you are. By having the wireless doorbell, you can carry it around the room easily or you can put it on your desk so it doesn’t get lost. This can be a bit louder. However, some doorbells can have custom chimes which can be a fun attention getter for students.
6: Sing-Along
Finally, you can use sing-alongs to get your students to pay attention. When the school year starts, teach your students the sing-along song that you will use to get them to focus again. By practicing at the beginning of the year, your students will know what to listen for and what to do when you start singing or playing the song. This is not only an effective attention getter for teachers, it’s also a great way to have some fun with your students and integrate some music.

Attention getters for teachers come in all shapes and sizes. While all attention getters are effective, you have to pick the one that makes the most sense for your classroom. In addition, you might have to use more than one depending on what your students are doing at the time. So, don’t be afraid to mix it up or make your own combos. If you want to hear about these great attention getters, checkout my TikTok on the subject and don’t forget to hit that follow button!
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